Nobody Killed Her / Summary

Nobody Killed Her / Summary

Nobody Killed Her / Summary

Author: Sabyn Javeri

Type : Fiction, Thriller

Subject : “Nobody Killed Her” is a political thriller novel written by Sabyn Javeri. The book explores the complex dynamics of power, politics, and the role of women in the political landscape of Pakistan. It delves into themes of ambition, betrayal, and the challenges faced by women in a male-dominated political environment.

Characters: Nazneen Khan, Rani Shah,


The nation sinks deep into mourning as news of former prime minister Rani Shah’s assassination arrives.Intelligence agencies, opposition leaders, the Army top brass, her closest relatives all seem to be shifting in their chairs even as special investigative teams gear up to file a report. Conspiracy theories abound for there were many who stood to gain if she pulled out of the imminent elections.The needle of suspicion points most immediately to Madam Shah’s close confidante Nazneen Khan, who was seen sitting right beside her in the convoy and, oddly, escaped the bomb blast unscathed. Sabyn Javeri’s tale of intense friendship between two ambitious women unfolds in a country steeped in fanaticism and patriarchy.Set against a backdrop of intrigue and political machinations, this is a novel about love, loyalty, obsession and deception.Nobody Kills Her is dark noir meets pacey courtroom drama. An electrifying debut you will rave about to everyone you meet.

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